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联系人:葛老师 先生 (网推主管)
电 话:0539-8164188
手 机:15589107856








Wealth has always been what some people long for. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labour. Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth, and hence to their happiness.

There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society. Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances, latest fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day. All this makes our life more comfortable and colourful. Therefore, without money we cannot turn admiration into reality.

But there are exceptions when wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness. Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits, such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their own ruin. Besides, a person may lose his even some government officials who take advantage of their positions to take bribes from the people turning to them for help. All these will bring about the negative effect of wealth if we don't take a proper attitude to it.

In my opinion, on no account can we identify wealth with happiness. I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness .

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葛老师 先生 (网推主管)  
电  话: 0539-8164188
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移动电话: 15589107856
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